Welcome to 2012

Posted by Leso Boundy on January 1, 2012 in News |

Well, I didn’t start 2012 too well, have a bad flu’. So much for my flu’ jab??? But to be fair, we know it is limited, and the flu’ variations are endless !!

I did end 2011 reasonably content. This year has many facets that have been enriching and favourable. I kept a promise with a dear friend, just got there in time , eh mate!!! Have found a dear friend I had lost 30yrs ago, and am grateful to her for persisting in her search for me, and remembering me with such fondness.

I am not a person who makes New Year resolutions, for me every day is the start of a new year, but, to all those who do, I hope you have the strength of character and will to keep them, usually, they are for the betterment of your life. Don’t give up on yourself.

To all whom I hold dear, I know you know who you are, I try to tell you each time we have contact, thank you for making my life so rich and and fulfilling.

Happiness and Health for 2012.


I have added a new page.

Posted by Leso Boundy on December 26, 2011 in News |

I have added a new page, Thoughts. Just ideas that keep popping into mind.

I have started, !!!

Posted by Leso on December 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

At last I have made some headway on my website!!

Just have to learn how to activate a few more functions and I can add the other items I have in mind. Watch this space!!!


Site Update

Posted by Leso Boundy on November 3, 2011 in News |

Well, I have finally got an opportunity to try to do something with my web page. It has taken some considerable time, yes, and I hope that I can make the use it deserves.

I still have a bit to learn about the functions and processes involved it adding material to my site, but hopefully it will all start to come together now.

Thank you in advance to those who will help and advise me. And thank you to those who have tried on my behalf in the past.

I have so much I want to add here that I don’t know where to start, so I will just see what comes to light.

Watch this space!!


Why ? Serendipityologist

Posted by Leso Boundy on December 21, 2010 in News |

You may be wondering why such a difficult name for a website ??

The fact is I was trying to find a name for myself, I am an individualist and I have a gift.
Serendipity – according to the dictionary, it is the capacity to find interesting or valuable things by chance.
Anyone who knows me will know that is what my life is and that if I was going to have an ” ology” after my name it would have to be ” serendipityology ” ergo serendiptyologist is a title that I coined for myself.

This website will be an accumulation of the valuable and interesting things that I find in my life, my interests are many and varied and my eyes see things in a unique way.
I hope that all who visit will be able to find something of interest or value to themselves.

This is my first attempt at a website so I hope in time it will evolve into a place of entertainment, interest, education and value for us all.

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